As social beings we tend to like the company of others and tend to feel sad when we are secluded away from people or when people drift away from us or worse still when we feel ostracised.
We start to fill our minds with all kinds of negative self talk and act as if nothing good ever came to us even when we have so much beauty in our lives.
Although it might appear like we are alone, in truth we are surrounded by true beauty.
When you want to get an impactful placement or gift from a highly placed person what usually happens? you are called into a meeting mostly alone with them or one or two other people. You get the opportunity to be in close proximity with this person and it fills you with awe and joy and at the end of it all you get the gift and your heart is full of joy.
Why then are you going to the “meeting” with God in a grudging state.
Your period away from the rest of the people is an opportunity to “hear” what you need to help you up level. You are being called to a meeting with the most High and He is about to gift you with beauty and grace yet you are sad because your eyes cant grasp the beauty about to fill your life just yet.
When Ayyub (Job) was exiled because of his illness what happened? He held on fast to God’s rope understanding that he was in a meeting with God and his plea would be heard before the end of the meeting. He thus kept at it and eventually he was rewarded for his patience and steadfastness.
God rewards efforts. He rewards steadfastness and He is ever present so hold on for just a moment longer whilst calling on Him repeatedly and you will be fully compensated for the effort for no efforts of man goes unrewarded
Meetings vary in length so again don’t compare the time you spend with the time spent by another. Just hold still and trust in the Lord that perfects all things at their time.
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With Love,
Umm Aasiyah Aishah Adams