All praises to Allaah, The Lord of all that exists.
I was reading tje Qur’an this morning and I came across a verse that caused me to stop and I decided to share some of the thoughts that I was guided to with the rest of you all, perhaps you might find some good in it.
The verse I came across is;
“And the throes (of childbirth) compelled her to betake herself to the trunk of a palm tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died before this, and had been a thing quite forgotten !”
(Surah Maryam, Verse 23)
My reflections:

This is a part from to story of Mary, the mother of Jesus as related to us about the pain she went through whilst trying to birth Jesus.
What is interesting is how she wished she had been a thing forgotten! Allaahu akbar.
This is one of the best women of all times!
God was preparing her for her assignment; He was preparing her for greatness; He was preparing her for everlasting honor and grace yet she went through pain and almost felt humiliated to the point that she wished to have been death.
If Maryam (alayha salam) could wish for death; If she could get so heartbroken when the pain became overwhelming then I want you to understand that Allaah is aware of your pain and He is preparing you for a great assignment and no matter how humiliated you might feel right now; no matter how much ridicule you seem to be facing, no matter how hard it has become, YOU’VE GOT THIS!
Tap into the power of prayers and ask without inhibition because your Lord is able to bring about ease. Your current state of pain doesnt affect your beautiful bright future making its way down to you.
The dawn of the beautiful future is hear so look no further into the past for it has taken its course; let the now and morrow enjoy the spotlight now.
May Allaah grant you and us ease in all our affairs and may He grant us success. Aamiyn
With Love,
Aishah Adams?⚘