One day Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Rahimahullaah) was on a journey and on his way, night time approached so he searched for a masjid so he could spend the night there.
When it was dark at night, the guard to the masjid, came and chased him out of the masjid. He then pleaded with him to please let him stay but the guard would not heed his plea so he packed up his things and went to sit at the front of the masjid.
Again, the guard came and said he didn’t want him there and kept chasing Imam Ahmad away. At some point he picked Imam Ahmad by the leg and dragged him into the Street.
Across the masjid, there was a bakery. The man from the bakery saw what was happening so he came out and invited Imam Ahmad into his space because he saw the signs of piety on him.
He mentioned to Imam Ahmad that he would be baking all night as people would want to buy bread immediately after fajr (pre-dawn prayers) so it was okay for the pious Imam to stay over. Because it was dark he couldn’t really see the face of Imam Ahmad’s face properly.
Imam Ahmad thanked him and settled in the space he was given however he observed the Baker as he worked and noticed something interesting. Whenever the Baker picked up a dough he would say Astagfirullah and so all through the baking he (Rahimahullaah) kept hearing whispers of Astagfirullaah from the Baker.
He then asked the Baker, “how long have you been practicing this habit?” and the Baker responded “for quite some time now” and the Imam was surprised. He then asked and what has Allaah done for you as a result of this because a person would not have this habit except that Allah would give them something. And the man responded “Allaah gives me everything I seek from him through duaa except one duaa”. The Imam asked which duaa hasn’t been answered yet, “I asked Allaah to give me the pleasure of seeing Imam Ahmad” and the Imam shouted “Allaahu akbar! Allaah dragged me out of the masjid to the Street because of the cry of His beloved.”
Morals from this:
Be consistent with the remembrance of Allaah: say Istigfaar a lot
We all have the opportunity to be from the friends of Allaah
be merciful to others
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