Alhamdulilaah wassalatu wassalam ‘alaa rasuulilaah
Imagine going through a hectic day at work and you suddenly look up from your task and you notice it is way past the closing hour. ALHAMDULILAAH! You suddenly jump up and start packing up to go home. And as you think of the home you would be going soon and the first conversations you’d have when you get home, who or what comes to mind? Who or what is the second thing you thought of?

Okay, what was the third third thing that you looked forward to doing?
When you start your day, what are those things that you have to do to feel fulfilled?
For many the Qur’an neither makes its way to the top 3 things they are looking to reconnect or hang out with nor is it even a beep on their radar; how so?
Imagine your boss at work gives you a manual with audio functions and asks you to memorise the information tjere in, how invested would you be in this task.
It would become your go to and infact you would find yourself pouring to it every time you are presented with a free slot.
Your memorizing the information in this booklet given to you by your boss is NOT guaranteed to help you keep your job or finally make your way to top management however you would invest your every waking moment till task is achieved.
We find a way to spend time on things we consider important and however tough the task might be, we tend to find ways of accomplishing even tasks that are deemed to be really difficult yet we barely give the book of Allaah our attention.
We barely even hangout with it. We have all kinds of excuses on why we should study books that contain information that would only help us make our way as we sojourn to the hereafter yet we neglect a book that is GUARANTEED to bring us immeasurable success in this world and the hereafter.
We barely even treat it like a honored friend and companion that it really is. We prioritize everything and everyone except this gift to us from Rabbul Bayt!
The Lord of all that exists revealed words of guidance and wisdom yet we barely sit with it to even find out what it contains! Allaahu akbar!
Are we truly as wise as we think we are? We chase after probability and we leave certainty to chance. We are hopeful of His Mercy and give little thoughts to Allaah also being Shedidul iqab – severe in calling to account.
When was the last time you hangout with the Qur’an outside of Ramadhan? When was the last time you sat to truly reflect over the words of your Lord?
When was the last time you invested time in memorizing the Qur’an. Even practising Muslims aren’t less guilty. I once heard someone who apparently strives to excel in career say “I am not so good with the Qur’an so I would leave those who are good with it to take charge” and I was in shock. If you are learned and have taken pains to memorise large texts relevant to your field of study then you have no excuse before Allaah on why you choose to be okay with scoring a D or E in your spirituañity even though you are the same person who weeps whenever she scores anything short of an A in other areas of life.
The truly wise and intelligent Muslim is the one who prioritizes anything that Allaah has prioritized because in the end, Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billaah, There is no power or success that is achievable without the permission of the Most High.
If you have been that person who would invest thousands and millions on knowledge that would only help you navigate the life of this world smoothly yet you have left your akhirah to chance. You are one of those who say things like “Allaah understands” when you are clearly not pulling your weight to invest and grow your spirituality then I invite you to make a decision to change the status quo TODAY.
Allaah says “And convey good news to those who believe and do good deeds, that they shall have gardens in which rivers flow; whenever they shall be given a portion of the fruit thereof, they shall say: This is what was given to us before; and they shall be given the like of it, and they shall have pure mates in them, and in them, they shall abide.”
Notice He didn’t just say who believe. Believing in Allaah has to be supported with the deeds. You have to follow up the belief you claim you have with deeds that give testimony to your claims.
Anyone can say they accept the truth. However the actions are mirrors to the deep rooted beliefs we hold dear.
It doesn’t have to be perfect but you need to start making a move to move in the direction of the path you would love to meet Allaah upon.
Narrated by Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allaah (ﷺ) said, “Everyone of my Ummah will enter Jannah except those who refuse”. He was asked: “Who will refuse?” He (ﷺ) said, “Whoever obeys me, shall enter Jannah, and whosoever disobeys me, refuses to (enter Jannah)”.
[Al- Bukhari].
Refusal to enter Jannah would happen when you refuse to obey Allaah and His Messenger but how would you follow Allaah and His Messenger when you don’t even know what Allaah and His Nabiy (sallallaahu alayhi wassalam) guided you to?
The time to take action to change our relationship with the Qur’an is NOW. It starts with a sincere intention to truly submit to Allaah.
Here are a few things you can do as you make your journey back to Allaah through reconnecting with the Qur’an;
- After making the intention to improve your relationship, make an actual plan that would work for you. Schedule at least 5minutes of Qur’an time. Call it a hangout, call it reflection time or any name that would motivate you to get started but start to have a consistent practice with the Qur’an
- Enrol with a teacher to learn how to correctly read the Qur’an and if you already know how to read, find a teacher that would assist you with your memorization
- Get a Qur’an buddy that would remind you. We tend to get more motivated when we have others learalongside us
Like every new habit, you might find that you are not consistent, this shouldn’t discourage you as constant practice would eventually help you strengthen the habit.
May Allaah forgive you and I and make this piece more beneficial than intended.
May it weigh heavily on the scales of the writer and readers. If you find any good in this then kindly share with someone so they can also strengthen their relationship with the Qur’an
Remember that when you invite others to good, you get the reward without it diminishing the reward of the one you called to goodness.
Any good found here is from Allaah subhaanahu wa ta’ala for good emanates from Him and any error therein is from Shaytan and I seek refuge in Allaah from shaytan and ask for Allaah’s forgiveness.
Subhaanaka llaahuma wabihamdik wa ashhadu an laaillaha illallaah nastagfiruka wa atoobu ilayk.